News / Events
(Last updated 15 January 2025)

Index of Articles

Event DateLast Update
¹ Starts the night before.
Upcoming Events2025-01-15
Mazel Tov!2019-10-16
President's Message2021-03-30
Gabbai's Message2020-12-16
Yahrzeit DatesSep. - Dec. 20242024-09-25
From the WebMaster2024-03-20
Tishrei 57852024-09-25
General Announcements2020-12-09
High Holiday Services2024-10-02
High Holiday Services:
  Rosh Hashanah 

16 & 17 Sep. 2023¹
High Holidays Services 
Hoshana Rabah 
Shemini Atzeret 
Simchat Torah 

11 Oct. 2017¹
12 Oct. 2017¹
13 Oct. 2017¹
Purim Services17 Mar. 2022¹2022-03-16
Passover Services 6 - 13 Apr. 2023¹2023-04-02 
Funeral Services for
  Barry Cohen (z"l)
12 May 2023
  at 2:00 pm
Shiva Services for
  Gordon Rinzler (z"l)
11 - 12 Nov. 20202020-11-11
Lag B'Omer Bonfire23 May 2019 @ 7:00pm2019-05-15
Yarhrzeit Minyan Required for:
  Hyde (z"l) 
Yarhrzeit Minyan Required for:
  Sharon Rubin (z"l)
  Ben Attis (z"l)

4 Aug. 2022¹
Unveiling Ceremony for
   Harvey Cohen (z"l)
17 Nov. 2024 @ 1:00 pm2024-11-13
Shabbat – Shemot 18 Jan. 2025¹2025-01-15 
Yarhrzeit Minyan Required for:
  Hyde Jochelman (z"l)
Yarhrzeit Minyan Required for:
  Joe Rinzler (z"l) 
  Mendel Greenblatt (z"l) 

4 June 2023¹
Shavu'ot Services 25 & 26 May 2023¹2023-05-24 
Purim Party15 Mar. 2020 @ 4:00pm2020-03-04
High Holidays Services 2024-09-25
High Holidays Services: 

30 Sep. - 6 Oct. 2023¹
High Holidays Services 
  Hoshana Rabah 
  Shemini Atzeret 
  Simchat Torah 

6 Oct. 2023¹
7 Oct. 2023¹
8 Oct. 2023¹
Passover Services 23 - 30 Apr. 2024¹2024-04-17
Annual General Meeting6 Feb. 2022
  at 1:00pm
Unveiling Ceremony for
   Harvey Cohen (z"l)
17 Nov. 2024 @ 1:00 pm2024-11-13
Holocaust Memorial Service
  Yom HaShoah 2024
See Poster2024-05-01
Sisterhood Meeting30 Apr. 2013 @ 7:15pm2013-04-25
Chanukah Dinner18 Dec. 2022 @ 4:00pm2022-12-07
Live ZOOM Presentations:
  Lighting the Menorah
    at Moncton City Hospital
  Virtual Chanukah Celebration

1 Dec. 2021
  @ 5:30pm
5 Dec. 2021
  @ 4:00pm
Guest Speaker
  Rabbi Judge Ofer Livnat
6 Aug. 2022
  at 11:30 am

Please scroll to read the complete text

Passover Services


Shiva for Noam El (z"l)

11 Limestone Drive, Moncton, NB

  • Mincha/Maariv at 7:00pm, Thursday (20 June)
  • Sacharis at 7:30am, Friday (21 June)

Happy Chanukah
Chanukah Sameach!    Happy Chanukah!
(First Candle will be Thursday Evening, 7 December 2023)

Happy Chanukah

Chanukah Sameach!    Happy Chanukah!

(First Candle is on Wednesday Evening, 25 December 2024
Chanukah ends at sunset on Thursday, 2 January 2025)

Happy Chanukah
Chanukah Sameach!    Happy Chanukah!
(Chanukah ends at sunset on Thursday, 2 January 2025)

Upcoming Events
and/or Civic Holidays

For more information and/or costs on events,
Please contact the Synagogue Office at (506) 858-0258

*ENF - Event Info sent by EMail, *TBA - To Be Announced
*RR - Reservations Required (506-858-0258), *$$ - Costs

¹ Starts the night before. 
Daylight Savings Time Begins14 Mar. 2020
  at 1:00am
Turn Clocks FORWARD
1 hour
Daylight Savings Time Ends5 Nov. 2023
  at 2:00am
Turn Clocks BACK
1 hour
Closing Sisterhood Dinner23 June 2016 @ 6:00pmTiferes Israel Synagogue Social Room. RSVP (858-0258)
Yahrzeit Minyan Requested for:
  Yacov Shinder (z"l)")
11 Jun. 2020¹
Bar-Mitzvah of:
  Jeremie (Yirmiyahu) Maicas
24 Oct. 2020
  at 10:00am
Sale of Chametzby 21 Apr. 2024
  at 10:00pm
Link to PDF Form
Monthly Sunday Morning
31 Mar. 2019
  at 9:00am
  (after to A. Jochelman)
Community BBQ3 Sep. 2023
$$ - Shediac Cape
  Gordon Rinzler (z"l)
14 Nov. 2021
  at 11:00am
  Harvey Cohen (z"l)
17 Nov. 2024
  at 1:00pm/td>
Yahrzeit Minyan Required for :
  Hyde Jochelman (z"l)
21 Nov. 2024¹
Rosh Chodesh Shevat30 Jan. 2025¹
Tu B'Shevat13 Feb. 2025¹
Rosh Chodesh Adar28 Feb. & 1 Mar. 2025¹
Daylight Savings Time Begins9 Mar. 2025
  at 1:00am
Turn Clocks FORWARD
1 hour
Fast of Esther13 Mar. 2025¹
Purim14 Mar. 2025¹
Shushan Purim15 Mar. 2025¹
Good Friday28 Mar. 2025Secular Holiday

Nominations for
  Board of Directors
In before
  20 Jan. 2023
Contact the Nomination Committee
Annual General Meeting
15 Dec. 2024
  @ ENF
Postponed, *TBATiferes Israel Synagogue Social Room
 Please Note: The Annual General Meeting has been postponed until the Zone 1 Health Region is in the Orange Recovery Level.

Abbreviations Used AboveMeaning
*RRReservations are equired
*ETMEvent Time will be sent by E-Mail
*TBATo be announced


Posted 2012-11-01...Index


Board of Directors 2022

  • President:
    Francis Weil
  • Vice President:
    Theodore Lewis
  • Past President:
    Irwin Lampert
  • Treasurer:
    Carole Savage
  • Secretary:
    Rhonda Rubin
  • Directors:
    David Rinzler
    Victoria Volkanova
  • Gabbaï:
    Francis Weil
  • Chevra Kaddisha:
    Jordan Davidson
  • President of Sisterhood:
    Betty Rubin-Druckman
Posted 2022-02-09...Index

Mazel Tov!


Rachel Fransblow

  • the Bris for the son of Rachel Fransblow (grand son of Steven and Rhoda Fransblow) will take place today 16 October 2019 at 1 pm in the synagogue.. Mazel Tov to the Families!
Posted 2019-10-16...Index


Posted 2009-09-02...Index

President's Message

30 April 2021

Dear members,

In November of 2020, the Board of Tiferes Israel Synagogue appointed a new Community Engagement Committee led by Victoria Volkanova, to explore the ways to enrich cultural and social aspects of the life of our Greater Moncton Jewish community and to attract more Jewish families living in the area.

It is important to realize that the number of members of the synagogue is declining. This has an impact on our activities as it takes people and financial resources to run them.

We would like to hear what YOU have to say about the services and activities offered at our Synagogue. To do that, weÕve prepared a short survey that we are inviting you and, ideally, every member of your household over 15 years of age, to complete.

  • We now have in place a written Covid-19 Plan, as required by the provincial government. Thanks to Carole and Jennifer for drafting it. Thank you also to Dr. Manny who has done work on interpreting government regulations and then advising Saturday shul attendees exactly what and what cannot be done.
  • We are changing banks, for our main account, and will now be dealing with The Bank of Nova Scotia on Mountain Road. We already had our Perpetual Care and Mikvah accounts there so it makes sense to have all of our business there.
  • I am attempting to set-up committees, which we have always had. The ones I see as essential are Finance, Repairs and Maintenance, Community Engagement and Sick and Visiting. If you have any suggestions for additional ones, please let me know. And, if you are interested in serving on any of these committees, give me a shout.

Here is the link to the survey:

The survey will run from Friday April 30th to Friday May 14th, 2021.

Those congregants who do not use computers will be contacted by phone to complete the survey. Please let us know if you would like to fill out the survey either by phone or in print, we will happily accommodate your request.

Your views, concerns, and suggestions are extremely valuable! Based on the information gathered, the Committee will prepare a report with recommendations, to be submitted to the Board for implementation.

THANK YOU in advance for your participation and contribution to the future and well-being of our congregation.

May this Passover bring you peace, happiness, love and every blessing from above, including getting vaccinated.

Irwin E. Lampert
(506) 377-4994.

Posted 2021-04-30...Index

Gabbai's Message


  • The list of Yarhzeit Dates for 18 April to 28 September 2024 are now available. Please view the PDF file here.
Posted 2022-09-21...Index

Yahrzeit Dates


  • The list of Yarhzeit Dates, from 23 September to 31 December 2024, is now available. Please view the PDF file here.
Posted 2024-09-25...Index

From the WebMaster

  • The Ordering Lists for kosher Passover 5782 (2022) goods are now available from Scoop & Save in Fredericton, NB.
    Please view the three PDF files here, or visit our documents page. Instructions are included in the files.
  • The Sale of Chametz Form for Passover 5784 (2024) is available on our documents page. Instructions are included in the form, and it has to be received by the Rabbi, no later than 10 pm on Sunday, 21 April 2024.
  • Invalid links have been removed from the external sites' lists of photographs, from our photo page.
Posted 2024-03-20...Index

Newsletter/Bulletin Announcement

Posted 2024-09-25...Index

General Announcements

Posted 2013-03-21...Index

Funeral Services

Barry Cohen (z"l)

Tiferes Israel Synagogue
56 Steadman Street, Moncton, NB

Graveside Service at

Congregation Tiferes Israel Cemetery

Selick Lane, Dieppe, NB

Friday, 12 May 2023 at 2:00 pm

Please make an effort to come.
A minyan is most desirable.

Reception following at the Synagogue.

Posted 2023-05-10...Index

Shiva Services

Gordon Rinzler (z"l)

at 1035 Coverdale Road, Riverview

Wednesday, 11 Nov. 2020 at 9 am & 7 pm
Thursday, 12 Nov. 2020 at 7:30 am

Posted 2020-11-11...Index


Passover Services

High Holiday Services

Purim Services

Seating has been assigned.
Please refer to chart on the wall in the foyer.

As per COVID-19 restrictions, seating will be "first come first serve"
- no seating reserved -


16 September 2015, fast begins at 5:28 a.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m.






Please check your Tishrei 5785 Bulletin for the times of High Holiday services.

Services are not open to the General Public.
The Synagogue is considered private property.

Wear a costume!

ErevWednesdayMarch 16Megillah Reading7:15 pm
ThursdayMarch 17Megillah Reading7:30 am
The Megillah will be read by Rabbi Yagod

Posted 2024-10-02...Index

Yahrzeit Minyan Desired

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help with the minyans for the following yahrzeit(s):

Posted for P.J. Gergely

It would be appreciated if you could kindly confirm attendance with

Harry Lampert (z"l)
ThursdayDecember 22Maariv7:00 pm
FridayDecember 23Shacharit7:30 am
Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
Mincha4:20 pm
  Sharon Rubin (z"l)
  Ben Attis (z"l)
ThursdayAugust 4Maariv7:00 pm
FridayAugust 5Shacharit7:30 am
** Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
Mincha7:00 pm

Posted 2023-08-02...Index

Unveiling Ceremony

Harvey Cohen (z"l)

Tiferes Israel Cemetery

Selick Lane, Dieppe, NB

Sunday, 17 November 2024 at 1:00 pm

Posted 2024-11-13...Index

Shabbat – Shemot

18 Tevet 5785

Shushan Purim Katan

Shushan Purim

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

Third Day of Chanukah

Parshat Shekalim

Parshat Zachor

Parshat Parah

Parshat Hachodesh

Today's 'Nasi': Naftali

Fast begins at sunset.

Shabbat B'reishit
Shabbat of Beginning

Shabbat Mevarchim
Bless the New Month
(Rosh Chodesh Tevet is on Tuesday and Wednesday Monday of the following week.)

After Shabbat & Havdalah Services End - 7 Candles are Lit

Omer Day 46 - Netzach sheb'Malchut
After Shabbat Ends - Count 47

Day 49 - Malchut sheb'Malchut

Shabbat Shuvah
Shabbat of Return

Shabbat Shirah
Shabbat of Song

Shabbat HaGadol
The Great Sabbath

Shabbat Nachamu
Shabbat of Consolation

The First Nine Days of Av
Laws and Customs

Shabbat Chazon
Shabbat of Vision

Ethics of the Fathers
Chapters Five and Six

Cheder Shabbat Services

Special Kiddush sponsored by P. Gergely
in memory of Steve Gergely (z"l)

Bat-Mitzvah of Raphael Maicas

Please Contact the Synagogue
about services.

A State of Emergency has been declared by The Province,
in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please contact the Synagogue for Mincha and Sacharit times.
Services are not open to the General Public.

Steve Gergely (z"l)

FridayJanuary 17Mincha4:45 pm**
Candle Lighting4:45 pm
Shabbat Starts5:03 pm
SaturdayJanuary 18Shacharit9:00 am**
Torah Reading:Exodus 1:1 - 6:110:00 am (at the latest)
Torah Reading by Dr. Michael Segal,
who is a world-traveled Ba'al Korei.
Shabbat Rosh Chodesh:Numbers 29:17-22 
Chanukah 3 Maftir:Numbers 7:24-29
Haftarah:Isaiah 27:6 - 28:13;
Isaiah 29:22-23
Bat Mitzvah of Isabella Hannah Makarov. Mazeltov!
Visitation by Dr. Barrie Carnat.
Special Kiddush in honour of the birthday of
B. Rubin Druckman.

Special Kiddush sponsored by P.J. Gergely
in honour of the yahrzeit of Steve Gergely (z"l).

Yahrzeit of Steve Gergely (z"l).
Mincha/Maariv9:00 pm
S'lichot11:30 pm
Fast begins8:42 pm
Shabbat ends5:53 pm
Shavu'ot StartsLight candlesafter 10:03 pm
Menorah Lighting:Kindle 4 lightsafter 5:32 pm

Parshah Shemot: This week's Torah reading, Shemot, begins the Book of Exodus. Pharaoh issues harsh decrees against the Israelites, beginning decades of Jewish suffering and slavery. Moses is born and raised in the Egyptian royal palace. After killing an Egyptian, Moses escapes to Midian and marries. G-d appears to him in a burning bush and demands that he return to Egypt to redeem the Israelites. Moses returns to Egypt with the intention of freeing the Jewish people. (from

Parshah Shemot: On the five intermediate days of Sukkot we read Numbers 29:17-34, a portion which describes the communal offerings brought on each day of the holiday. Thirteen bullocks are brought on the first day, twelve on the second, eleven on the third, and so on in descending order until the seventh day, when seven bullocks are offered, bringing the total of bullocks over the seven days of the festival to seventy. Two rams and fourteen goats were also offered each day.

Additional offerings of the prescribed meal, wine and oil supplements were brought as well: three tenths of an efah of fine flour, and half a hin each of wine and oil, per bullock; two tenths of flour and a third of a hin of each of the liquids for each ram; and one tenth and one quarter respectively for each lamb.(from

Parshat Shekalim

When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, each Jew contributed an annual half-shekel to the Temple. The 1st of Adar marked the beginning of the collection of the shekalim. In commemoration, the Torah reading of the Shabbat that falls on or before Adar I is supplemented with the verses (Exodus 30:11-16) that relate G-d's commandment to Moses regarding the first giving of the half-shekel.

"Parshat Shekalim" is the first of four special readings added during or immediately before the month of Adar (the other three being "Zachor", "Parah" and "Hachodesh") (from

Parshat Zachor

This being the Shabbat before Purim, on which we celebrate the foiling of Haman the Amalekite's plot to destroy the Jewish people, the weekly Parshah is supplemented with the Zachor reading (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth.

"Parshat Zachor" is the second of four special readings added during or immediately before the month of Adar (the other three being "Shekalim", "Parah" and "Hachodesh") (from

Parshat Parah

The Torah reading of Parah (Numbers 19) is added to the weekly reading. Parah details the laws of the "Red Heifer" and the process by which a person rendered ritually impure by contact with a dead body was purified.

(When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every Jew had to be in a state of ritual purity in time for the bringing of the Passover offering in the Temple. Today, though we're unable to fulfill the Temple-related rituals in practice, we fulfill them spiritually by studying their laws in the Torah. Thus, we study and read the section of Parah in preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover.) (from

Parshat Hachodesh

On the Shabbat that falls on or before the 1st of Nissan, a special reading called "Hachodesh" (Exodus 12:1-20) is added to the regular Shabbat Torah reading. Hachodesh recounts G-d's historic communication to Moses in Egypt on the 1st of Nissan (2 weeks before the Exodus) regarding the Jewish calendar, the month of Nissan and the Passover offering.

(When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every Jew had to be in a state of ritual purity in time for the bringing of the Passover offering in the Temple. Today, though we're unable to fulfill the Temple-related rituals in practice, we fulfill them spiritually by studying their laws in the Torah. Thus, we study and read the section of Parah in preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover.) "Parshat Hachodesh" is the fourth of four special readings added during or immediately before the month of Adar (the other three being "Shekalim", "Zachor" and "Parah").



Selichot: The series of Selichot ("supplication") prayers recited in preparation for the "Days of Awe" of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur begin this Saturday night, after midnight (after the Ashkenazic custom; the Sephardic community begins on the 1st of Elul). On subsequent days, the custom is to recite the Selichot in the early morning hours, before the morning prayers, each morning up to and including Elul 29, the eve of Rosh Hashanah.

Elul Observances

Elul Observances: As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionaly a time of introspection and stocktaking -- a time to review one's deeds and spiritual progress over the past year and prepare for the upcoming "Days of Awe" of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

As the month of Divine Mercy and Forgiveness, it is a most opportune time for teshuvah ("return" to G-d), prayer, charity, and increased Ahavat Yisrael (love for a fellow Jew) in the quest for self-improvement and coming closer to G-d.

Sanctification of the Moon

Kiddush Levanah: Once a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called Kiddush Levanah, "the sanctification of the moon," praising the Creator for His wondrous work we call astronomy.

Kiddush Levanah is recited after nightfall, usually on Saturday night. The blessing is concluded with songs and dancing, because our nation is likened to the moon—as it waxes and wanes, so have we throughout history. When we bless the moon, we renew our trust that very soon, the light of G-d's presence will fill all the earth and our people will be redeemed from exile.

Though Kiddush Levanah can be recited as early as three days after the moon's rebirth, the kabbalah tells us it is best to wait a full week, till the seventh of the month. Once 15 days have passed, the moon begins to wane once more and the season for saying the blessing has passed.(from

Tu B'Shevat (New Year for Trees)

Today is Tu B'Shevat ("the 15th of Shevat") which marks the beginning of a "New Year for Trees." This is the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.

Legally, the "New Year for Trees" relates to the various tithes that must be separated from produce grown in the Holy Land. We mark the day by eating fruit, particularly from the "Seven Kinds" that are singled out by the Torah in its praise of the bounty of the Holy Land (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates). On this day we remember that "Man is a tree of the field" (Deuteronomy 20:19) and reflect on the lessons we can derive from our botanical analogue. (from

Shabbat of Beginning

The Shabbat after Simchat Torah is Shabbat B'reishit -- "Shabbat of Beginning" -- the first Shabbat of the annual Torah reading cycle, on which the Torah section of B'reishit ("In the Beginning") is read.

The weekly Torah reading is what defines the Jewish week, serving as the guide and point of reference for the week's events, deeds and decisions; Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi called this "living with the times." Hence the theme and tone of this week is one of beginning and renewal, as we launch into yet another cycle of Torah life. The Rebbes of Chabad would say: "As one establishes oneself on Shabbat B'reishit, so goes the rest of the year." (from

Bless the New Month (Shabbat Mevarchim)

Shabbat Mevarchim: This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim ("the Shabbat that blesses" the new month): a special prayer is recited blessing the Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") of upcoming month of Tevet which falls on Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week. (from

Shabbat Mevarchim: This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim ("the Shabbat that blesses" the new month): a special prayer is recited blessing the Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") of upcoming month of Av which falls on Monday of the following week. (from

Shabbat Mevarchim Customs

Each month, on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh, we bless the upcoming new month with a special blessing recited in the synagogue. The one exception is this Shabbat: although it proceeds Rosh Hashanah — which is also the first day of the month of Tishrei — we do not recite the special "blessing for the month," just as all other Rosh Chodesh elements are absent from the Rosh Hashanah prayers and observances. According to the Baal Shem, "G-d Himself blesses the month of Tishrei, and it is with the power of this blessing that the people of Israel bless the other months of the year."

Although the formal blessing is not recited, we fulfill the other customs of Shabbat Mevarchim Hachodesh ("the Shabbat that blesses the new month"), reciting the Book of Psalms before morning prayers and conducting farbrengens. (from

Rosh Chodesh Observances

Today is the second of two Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") for the month of Cheshvan (when a month has 30 days, both the last day of the month and the first day of the following month serve as the following month's Rosh Chodesh).

Today is Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") for the month of Cheshvan

Today is Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") for the month of Adar I (this year being a leap year there are two months called "Adar" -- Adar I and Adar II).

Special portions are added to the daily prayers: Hallel (Psalms 113-118) is recited — in its "partial" form — following the Shacharit morning prayer, and the Yaaleh V'yavo prayer is added to the Amidah and to Grace After Meals; the additional Musaf prayer is said (when Rosh Chodesh is Shabbat, special additions are made to the Shabbat Musaf). Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.

Many have the custom to mark Rosh Chodesh with a festive meal and reduced work activity. The latter custom is prevalent amongst women, who have a special affinity with Rosh Chodesh -- the month being the feminine aspect of the Jewish Calendar. (from

Three Sefer Torahs

This Shabbat is unique in that three Torah scrolls are taken from the ark and read from in the public Torah reading: one scroll for the weekly Parshah, a second scroll for the Rosh Chodesh reading, and a third scroll for the Chanukah reading. (The only other occassions on which three scrolls are taken out are Simchat Torah, and when Rosh Chodesh Adar or Rosh Chodesh Nissan fall on Shabbat). (from

Adar Joy

When Adar enters," the Talmud declares, "we increase in joy." For this is "the month that was transformed for them from sorrow to joy, from mourning to festivity" (Esther 9:22) by the great miracle and victory of Purim. Our sages advise that the month of Adar is an auspicious time for the Jewish people, so that if a Jew is faced with a challenging event (i.e., a court case, a medical procedure, etc.) he should endeavor to schedule it during Adar. (from

Hallel and Al HaNissim

Special prayers of thanksgiving -- Hallel (in its full version) and Al HaNissim -- are added to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals on all eight days of Chanukah. Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted for the duration of trhe festival. (from

Shabbat of Song

This week's Torah reading contains the "song at the sea" sung by the Children of Israel upon their deliverance from the Egyptians, when the Red Sea split to allow them to pass and then drowned their pursuers. Hence this Shabbat is designated as Shabbat Shirah, "Shabbat of song."

Our sages tell us that the birds in the sky joined our ancestors in their singing; for this reason it is customary to put out food for the birds for this Shabbat (to avoid the possibility of transgressing the laws of Shabbat, the food should be put out before Shabbat).(from

Hallel and Al HaNissim

Special prayers of thanksgiving -- Hallel (in its full version) and Al HaNissim -- are added to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals on all eight days of Chanukah. Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted for the duration of trhe festival. (from

Counting of the Omer

Omer: The 49-day "Counting of the Omer" retraces our ancestors' seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. Each evening we recite a special blessing and count the days and weeks that have passed since the Omer; the 50th day is Shavuot, the festival celebrating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai. (from

Fast Day Postponed

To mourn the breaching of Jerusalem's walls and the other tragic events that occurred on this day (see "Today in Jewish History") and repent and rectify their causes, Tammuz 17 was instituted as a fast day. This year, however, the actual fast is held tomorrow (Sunday), due to the holiness of Shabbat.(from

End of Shavuot "Fulfillment" Days

When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, and all Jews would come there for the three annual "pilgrimage festivals" (Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot), Sivan 12 was the last of the seven days allotted for the offerings brought in conjunction with the Shavuot pilgrimage (unlike the festivals of Passover and Sukkot, which have seven biblically mandated days, Shavuot consists only of one day; hence the additional six days of tashlumin or "fulfillment").

Thus we do not recite the tachnun (confession and penitential suplication), and the other prayers omitted on a festival or joyous commemoration, from the 1st of Sivan until and including the 12th, as all these days bear a connection with the festival of Shavuot(from

Shabbat Chazon

Shabbat of Vision: The Shabbat before the Ninth of Av is called Shabbat Chazon ("Shabbat of Vision") after the opening words of the day's reading from the prophets ("haftara"), which is the third of the series of readings known as "The Three of Rebuke." On this Shabbat, say the Chassidic masters, we are granted a vision of the Third Temple; we may not see it with our physical eyes, but our souls see it, and are empowered to break free of our present state of galut (exile and spiritual displacement) and bring about the Redemption and the rebuilding of the Temple. (from

All Night Learning

The Talmud relates that when G-d came to give the Torah to the People of Israel in the early morning of Sivan 6, He found them sleeping. (The Chassidic masters explain that this was an attempt to connect to their subconscious, transcendent self in preparation for their reception of the divine wisdom.) To rectify this lapse, we spend the entire first night of Shavuot (which begins at nightfall tonight) studying Torah. The traditional Tikkun Leil Shavout ("Rectification for Shavuot Night") study program includes the opening and closing verses of each book of the Written Torah (Tanach), as well as of each Parshah; the entire Book of Ruth (see "Laws and Customs" for tomorrow); the opening and closing sections of each tractate of the Talmud; a list of the 613 mitzvot; and selected readings from the Zohar and other Kabbalistic works. (from

"Three Weeks" Begin

The 17th of Tammuz also marks the beginning of The Three Weeks period of mourning which culminates on the 9th of Av, commemorating the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people.

Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period; like mourners, we do not cut our hair, and various pleasurable activities are limited or proscribed. (Consult the Code of Jewish Law (Shulchan Aruch) or a qualified rabbi regarding specific proscriptions). (from

The Three Weeks

Three Weeks Laws and Customs: During the Three Weeks, from 17th of Tammuz to the 9th of Av, we commemorate the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people.

Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period; like mourners, we do not cut our hair, and various pleasurable activities are limited or proscribed. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.) (from

"Nine Days"

The Nine Days Laws and Customs: During the "Nine Days" from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. We abstain from meat and wine, music, haircutting, bathing for pleasure, and other joyous (and dangerous) activities. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.) (from

Fast Begins this Evening

Because of the holiness of Shabbat, the Fast of the Ninth of Av mourning destruction of the Temple and the exile of Israel (see "Today in Jewish History") is postponed to after Shabbat. The fast begins this evening at sunset, and continues through tomorrow, Av 10, till nightfall.

Some of the fast's mourning practices--such as refraining from Torah study other than texts related to the events and nature of the fast day--are observed beginning from midday today.

Finish eating by sunset. After nightfall say, "Blessed is He who distinguishes between the holy and the mundane." No Havdalah tonight, but light a candle and recite the fire blessing. Havdalah is recited after the fast (omitting the candle and incense blessings).

"Eichah"--the Book of Lamentations--is read tonight in the synagogue after evening prayers.(from

Shabbat Nachamu

Shabbat of Consolation: The Shabbat after the Ninth of Av is called Shabbat Nachamu ("Shabbat of Consolation") after the opening words of the day's reading from the prophets ("haftara"). This is the first of the series of readings known as "The Seven of Consolation" read in the seven weeks from the Ninth of Av to Rosh Hashanah. (from

Ethics of the Fathers

Ethics: From the Shabbat after Passover until the Shabbat before Rosh Hashahah, we study a weekly chapter of the Talmud's Ethics of the Fathers ("Avot") each Shabbat afternoon. (from

Blessing on Blooming Trees

A special mitzvah, which can be fulfilled only once a year, is to recite the berachah ("blessing" or prayer) made upon seeing a fruit tree in bloom: Blessed are you G-d our G-d, king of the universe, who left nothing lacking in His world, and created within it good creatures and good trees with which He gives pleasure to people. Today is the first opportunity to make this blessing, but it can be done anytime during the month of Nissan (referred to by the Torah as "the month of spring" ). Many visit botanical gardens during this time, so as to avail themselves of an opportunity to observe this beautiful mitzvah. (from

'Nasi' of the Day

Beginning on Nissan 1, and continuing through Nissan 13, we recite the verses (from Numbers ch. 7) describing the offerings made by the "princes" (nesi'im) of the 12 tribes of Israel (see "Mishkan inaugurated").

Following the verses of the day's "Nasi," we recite a short prayer in which we say, "...if I, Your servant, am from the tribe of ___ whose section of the Nasi I have read today in Your Torah, may all the holy sparks and holy illuminations that are included within the holiness of this tribe shine upon me, to grant me understanding and intelligence in Your Torah and my awe of You, to do Your will all the days of my life...." (from

Shushan Purim Katan — The "Minor" Shushan Purim

In regular years, the 15th of Adar is Shushan Purim, the festival that celebrates -- in Jerusalem and other ancient walled cities -- the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman's evil decree in the year 3405 from creation (356 BCE). In a leap year -- which has two Adars -- Shushan Purim is observed in Adar II, and the 15th of Adar I is designated as Shushan Purim Katan, the "Minor Shushan Purim."

There are no special observances associated with Shushan Purim Kattan, other than the omission of Tachnun ("supplications") from the daily prayers and a prohibition against fasting or holding eulogies on this day. The Code of Jewish Law cites an opinion that one should increase in festivity and joy, but rules that there is no obligation to do so; "Nevertheless,a person should increase somewhat in festivity... for 'One who is of good heart is festive always' " (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 697:1).


Shushan Purim — Triple Purim

Adar 15 is "Shushan Purim" -- the day on which Purim is observed in Jerusalem and in other ancient walled cities, in commemoration of the fact that in the ancient walled city of Shushan the original Purim celebration was on this date.

When Shushan Purim falls on Shabbat -- as it does this years -- a unique phenomenon results: the "Triple" or Three-Day Purim (Purim Meshuleshet). Because a number of the Purim mitzvot cannot be performed on Shabbat, the observances are spread over a period of three days: the megillah reading and Giving to the Poor on Friday; Al Hanissim -- the special Purim addition to the daily prayers and Grace After Meals -- on Shabbat; and Sending Food Gifts to Friends and the Purim meal -- on Sunday.

(The Three-Day Purim phenomenon is unique to Shushan Purim, since the regular Purim -- Adar 14 -- cannot fall on Shabbat in the present-day configuration of Jewish calendar.)


Leap Year

This year is a shanah meuberet (lit., "a pregnant year") or a leap year on the Jewish calendar. The Jewish leap year, which occurs 7 times in a 19-year cycle, has 13 months instead of the regular year's 12. This is so that the lunar-based Jewish year should remain aligned with the solar seasons (12 lunar months make up a total of 354 days -- slightly more than 11 days short of the 365.25 day solar cycle). The added month is called "Adar I" and is inserted before the month of Adar (termed "Adar II" in leap years).

The festival of Purim celebrated on Adar 14, is in Adar II on leap years, while the 14th of the Adar I is marked only as "Purim Minor." Similarly, birthdays and most other anniversaries are marked on the 2nd Adar.


L'David Hashem Ori

L'David Hashem Ori: Beginning today, the psalm L'David Hashem Ori (Psalm 27) is recited at the end of the morning and afternoon prayers. This special addition is recited throughout the month of Elul and the High Holiday season, until Hoshanah Rabah (Tishrei 21) -- a total of 50 days. (from

Month of Cheshvan Begins

The month of Cheshvan is also called "Mar-Cheshvan." Mar means "bitter" -- an allusion to the fact that the month contains no festive days. Mar also means "water", alluding to the month's special connection with rains (the 7th of Cheshvan is the day on which Jews begin praying for rain (in the Holy Land), and the Great Flood, which we read about in this week's Torah reading, began on Cheshvan 17th). (from

Chol Hamoed

Of the eight days of Passover, the first two and the last two are "yom tov" (festival days). The middle four days are called chol hamoed--"weekdays of the festival," also called "the intermediate days." (In Israel, where Passover is observed for seven days, the first and last days are yom tov, and the middle five days are chol hamoed).

The yom tov days are days of rest, during which all creative work is forbidden, as it is on the Shabbat, with the exception of certain types of work associated with food preparation (e.g., cooking and "carrying"). On chol hamoed the prohibition of work is less stringent--work whose avoidance would result in "significant loss" is permitted (except when chol hamoed is also Shabbat, when all work is forbidden).

The "Yaale V'yavo" prayer is included in all prayers and Grace After Meals. Hallel (partial) and Musaf are recited following the Shacharit (morning) prayers. It is the Chabad custom not to put on tefillin during the "intermediate days". (from

10 Days of Repentance; Shabbat Shuvah

The 10-day period beginning on Rosh Hashanah and ending on Yom Kippur is known as the "Ten Days of Repentance"; this is the period, say the sages, of which the prophet speaks when he proclaims (Isaiah 55:6) "Seek G-d when He is to be found; call on Him when He is near." It is thus a most auspicious time to rectify the failings and missed opportunities of the past and positively influence the coming year. Psalm 130 and other special inserts and additions are included in our daily prayers during these days.

The Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuvah, "Shabbat of Return." The name derives from the Haftarah (reading from the prophets) for this Shabbat, which opens with the words (Hosea 14:2), "Return O Israel unto the L-rd your G-d..." According to master Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria ("Ari"), the seven days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (which will always include one Sunday, one Monday, etc.) correspond to the seven days of the week. The Sunday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur includes within itself all Sundays of the year; the Monday embodies all Mondays, and so on. Shabbat Shuvah is thus the archetypal Shabbat -- the juncture in time at which we are empowered to influence every Shabbat of our year. (from

Please visit for additional information about this Shabbat.

Posted 2025-01-15...Index

Atlantic Jewish Council


Congregation Tiferes Israel
56 Steadman Street, Moncton, NB

Saturday, 15 February 2020 at 7:15pm

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Purim Party

Posted 2020-03-04...Index


High Holiday Services

Passover Services

Shavu'ot Services

Seating has been assigned.
Please refer to chart on the wall in the foyer.

As per COVID-19 restrictions, seating will be "first come first serve"
- no seating reserved -


Fast of Gedaliah: Sept.9, begins at 5:12am, ends at 8:13pm.





Please contact the Synagogue for Mincha and Sacharit times during Passover.
Services are not open to the General Public.

Please check your Tishrei 5785 Bulletin for the times of High Holiday services.

Services are not open to the General Public.
The Synagogue is considered private property.


Posted 2024-09-25...Index

Shavu'ot Services

ErevThursdayMay 28Mincha/MaarivTBA
Candle Lightingat 8:42 pm
First DayFridayMay 29Shacharit9:00 am
Mincha/Maariv7:00 pm
Shabbat / Holiday
Candle Lighting
at 8:43 pm
Shabbat /
Second Day
SaturdayMay 30Shacharit9:00 am
Mincha/MaarivTBA by Rabbi
Shabbat / Holiday ends9:59 pm

Posted 2020-05-27...Index

Shavu'ot Services

26 & 27 May 2023

Forwarded by F. Weil
President, Tiferes Israel Synagogue

Shavuot is coming soon - it will start late Thursday as we have to wait till it is completely dark for the 49th day of the Omer to be over.
That means that the service will start at 9:30 pm.

If anyone intends to come at that time, let us know in advance, please.

First day of Shavuot:
Friday morning service at 9:00 am

Second day of Shavuot:
Friday evening service at 7:00 pm
Saturday morning at 9:00 am
The Yizkor service will take place Saturday morning the 2nd day of Shavuot. Service starts at 9:00 am

If you want to add the name of a departed to the synagogue's list, let us know.

We will read the 10 commandments and have Birkat Kohanim.

P.S. (Added by Webmaster):
Thursday, May 25, 20223 - Eve of First day - Light Holiday Candles at 8:38 PM
Friday, May 26, 2023 - Eve of Second day - Light Shabbat/Holiday Candles at 8:39 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2023 - Holiday Ends 9:54 PM

Posted 2023-05-24...Index

Yahrzeit Minyan Desired

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help with the minyans for the following yahrzeits:

Posted for P.J. Gergely

It would be appreciated if you could confirm attendance with>

Hyde Jochelman (z"l)
MondayNovember 14Maariv7:00 pm
TuesdayNovember 15Shacharit7:30 am
Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
(Mincha to be confirmed)Mincha1:00 pm
  Joe Rinzler (z"l)
  Mendel Greenblatt (z"l)
Saturday3 JuneMincha/Maariv8:30 pm
Sunday4 JuneShacharit9:00 am
** Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
Mincha1:00 pm
Gordon Rinzler (z"l)
ThursdayNovember 10Maariv7:00 pm
FridayNovember 11Shacharit9:00 am
Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
Mincha4:35 pm
Hyde Jochelman (z"l)
MondayNovember 14Maariv7:00 pm
TuesdayNovember 15Shacharit9:00 am
Breakfast following Shacharit at A. Jochelman.
(Mincha to be confirmed)Mincha1:00 pm

Posted 2023-05-31...Index

Holocaust Memorial Service
Yom HaShoah 2024


Registration Link

Posted 2024-05-01...Index

2019/5779 Lag B'Omer Bonfire

Camp Centennial, 125 Rotary Lodge Lane, Moncton, NB.

Look for the green sign "Centennial Park Rotary Lodge" on St. George St

Thursday, 23 May 2019 at 7:00pm

Bring warm clothing and water/mud-proof footwear

Posted 2019-05-15...Index

Annual General Meeting

Tiferes Israel Synagogue Social Hall
56 Steadman Street, Moncton, NB

and by Zoom Online Meeting

6 February 2022 at 1:00 pm

The AGM Agenda and the proposed Slate of Officers for 2022 have been sent to congregants via email.

Members in arrears will not be able to vote at congregational meetings.

Posted 2022-02-02...Index

Sisterhood Meeting

282 Westmount Blvd, Moncton, NB

Tuesday, 30 April 2013 at 7:15pm

Bring and Buy "Get together"

Posted 2013-04-25...Index

Unveiling Ceremony

Harvey Cohen (z"l)

Tiferes Israel Cemetery

Selick Lane, Dieppe, NB

Sunday, 17 Nov 2024 at 1:00 pm

Posted 2024-11-13...Index

Live ZOOM Presentations

Lighting the Menorah at Moncton City Hospital

Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at 5:30 pm

The program has been sent to congregants via email. Please contact the Synagogue Office at (506) 858-0258 (Weekday mornings) for more information.
Please join us at 5:30pm on ZOOM.

Virtual Chanukah Celebration

Sunday, 5 December 2021 at 4:00 pm

The program has been sent to congregants via email. Please contact the Synagogue Office at (506) 858-0258 (Weekday mornings) for more information.
Please join us at 4:00pm on ZOOM.

Posted 2021-12-01...Index

Guest Speaker

Rabbi Judge Ofer Livnat

Tiferes Israel Synagogue
56 Steadman Street, Moncton, NB

6 August 2022 around 11:30 am

The community will be honored with the visit of prominent Judge, legal expert and an influential rabbinic figure in Israel, London and North America. Rabbi Ofer will be our guest and he will deliver a comprehensive speech on matters affecting Jewish congregations worldwide: "What are the most common cases that keep Jewish courts busy in 2022?". His speech will be given after the morning services in our Shul.

Complete details may be found at Rabbi Livnat Announcement.

Posted 2022-07-27...Index

Chanukah Dinner

 Chanukah Dinner

Posted 2022-12-07...Index

  • Synagogue Bulletins

  • Current Year

  • Four years of previous bulletins are retained online. Please see the Documents page for availability. Older bulletins may be obtained by contacting the Synagogue.
  • Bulletins are in PDF Format

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